Professional Office Suite
Windows and Mac Multi-Platform Edition
Number 1 alternative to Microsoft Office, compatible with Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents. Suitable for home, studnt and business. Powered by Apache OpenOffice™, this is a premier office software suite for word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, graphics, databases and more. It is available in many languages (see below for complete list) and works on all common computers. It stores all your data in an international open standard format, and can also read and write files from other common office software packages.

- Great Software
Apache OpenOffice is the result of over twenty years software engineering. Designed from the start as a single piece of software, it has a consistency other products cannot match. A completely open development process means that anyone can report bugs, request new features, or enhance the software. The result: Apache OpenOffice does everything you want your office software to do, the way you want it to.
- Easy to use
Apache OpenOffice is easy to learn, and if you're already using another office software package, you'll take to OpenOffice straight away. And if you already have files from another office package, OpenOffice will read them with no difficulty.
- Use it immediately
For people used to other office software, Apache OpenOffice is a pleasant surprise. It's so straightforward! Because OpenOffice is one piece of software, everything works consistently between applications. Even the help system is the same. You don't even have to know which application was used to create a document - OpenOffice will use the correct one. You only need to install once and you've got your the complete office suite.
- No need to retype
We understand that many people already have documents which they have created using other common office software packages. Apache OpenOffice can read these files with a very high degree of accuracy, making migration to OpenOffice very straightforward. In fact, we have reports where OpenOffice has been able to read files which the original software package had said were corrupted and unusable. If your friends or colleagues use different software, you can still swap files with them.
- Better for you
Apache OpenOffice contains all the office software you need, in one single package. You don't have to worry which version to install: one installation program provides everything. The installation also includes features which some expensive rivals do not - for example, the ability to create .pdf files when you want to guarantee what the recipient sees on their computer. There is also a growing range of extensions: additional features that any developer can provide.
- Part of a community
When you're starting something new, it's great to know tens of millions of people have been there before you. Apache OpenOffice is developed, translated, supported, and promoted by an international community of tens of thousands of enthusiasts. If you have ever waited for ages for paid-for support from a commercial software provider, community support from enthusiastic and knowledgeable volunteers may come as a surprise. You may even find yourself talking to people who have developed or translated the software you are using. Welcome to the community!
Apache OpenOffice Writer
(Word processor)

Letting you concentrate on writing your ideas
Writer has everything you would expect from a modern, fully equipped word processor.
It is simple enough for a quick memo, yet powerful enough to create complete books with contents, diagrams, indexes, etc. You're free to concentrate on your ideas while Writer makes them look great.
Wizards take all the hassle out of producing standard documents such as letters, faxes, agendas, minutes, or carrying out more complex tasks such as mail merges. Of course, you are also free to create your own templates.
Styles and Formatting puts the power of style sheets into the hands of every user.
AutoCorrect dictionary can trap typing mistakes on the fly, checking your spelling as you type. Writer can handle the use of different languages in your document too.
AutoComplete reduces typing effort, it will suggest common words and phrases to complete what you are typing.
Text frames and linking give you the power to tackle desktop publishing tasks for newsletters, flyers, etc. laid out exactly the way you want them to be.
Table of Contents & References - Increase the usefulness of your long, complex documents by generating a table of contents or indexing terms, bibliographical references, illustrations, tables, and other objects.
Multi-page display - Writer can also display multiple pages while you edit - ideal for complex documents. Works well with large and multiple monitors.
Notes - The notes feature displays notes and comments on the side of the document. This makes notes a lot easier to read. In addition, notes from different users are displayed in different colours together with the editing date and time.
HTML, PDF, MediaWiki formats - Make your documents freely available with Writer's HTML export to the web, or export in MediaWiki format for publishing to let you concentrate on writing your ideas.
Writer has everything you would expect from a modern, fully equipped word processor.
.odt Standard - Save your documents in OpenDocument format, the new international standard for office documents. This XML based format means you're not tied in to Writer. You can access your documents from any OpenDocument compliant software.
.docx & .doc support - Writer can of course read all your older Microsoft® Word documents, or save your work in Microsoft® Word format for sending to people who are still using Microsoft® products. Writer can also open .docx files created with Microsoft® Office 2007 onwards. Publish in Portable Document Format (.pdf) to guarantee that what you write is what your reader sees. The PDF export feature in Apache OpenOffice provides a huge set of formatting and security options; so that PDF files can be customized for many different scenarios, including ISO standard PDF/A files.
Apache OpenOffice Calc

The solution to storing all your numbers and lists!
Calc is the spreadsheet application you've always wanted. Newcomers find it intuitive and easy to learn; professional data miners and number crunchers will appreciate the comprehensive range of advanced functions.
DataPilot is an advanced technology that makes it easy to pull in raw data from corporate databases; cross-tabulate, summarize, and convert it into meaningful information.
Natural language formulas let you create formulas using words (e.g. "sales - costs").
Intelligent Sum Button inserts a sum function or a subtotal automatically, depending on context.
Wizards guides you through choosing and using a comprehensive range of advanced spreadsheet functions.
Styles and Formatting makes it easy to apply flexible cell formatting options, including freely rotating contents, templates, backgrounds, borders, and many more. You can be your own spreadsheet expert thanks to templates with built-in functions, allowing you to concentrate on your real work.
Scenario Manager allows "what if ..." analysis at the touch of a button - e.g. compare profitability for high / medium / low sales forecasts.
Calc's solver component allows solving optimization problems where the optimum value of a particular spreadsheet cell has to be calculated based on constraints provided in other cells.
Multiple users support - Encourage collaborative work on spreadsheets. By sharing a spreadsheet, other users can easily add their data to the spreadsheet. The spreadsheet owner can then easily integrate the new data with a few clicks. This collaboration feature helps avoid editing conflicts.
Save your spreadsheets in OpenDocument format, the new international standard for office documents. This XML based format means you're not tied in to Calc. You can access your spreadsheets from any OpenDocument compliant software.
You are free to import your old Microsoft® Excel spreadsheets, or save your work in Excel format for sending to people who are using Microsoft® products. Calc is able to read .xlsx files created with Microsoft® Office 2007 onwards..
If you want to send your results to someone who doesn't have a spreadsheet application installed, then use Portable Document Format (.pdf) - no need to buy or install any extra software.
Apache OpenOffice Impress
(Multimedia Presentation)

Impress your audience with your presentations!
Impress is a truly outstanding tool for creating effective multimedia presentations. Your presentations will stand out with 2D and 3D clip art, special effects, animation, and high-impact drawing tools.
Master Pages simplify the task of preparing your materials.
Complete range of Views are supported: Drawing / Outline / Slides / Notes / Handouts to meet all the needs of presenters and audiences, plus an optional multi-pane view to put all the tools at your fingertips.
Multiple monitors support so that presenters can have additional materials or notes while presenting their slides on a projector. Make the most of this with the free Presenter Console Extension, which lets you see your next slides as well as the time and the speaker notes.
Easy-to-use drawing and diagramming tools - a complete range to spice up your presentation. 'Park' your most commonly used drawing tools around your screen ready for single-click access.
Slide show Animation and Effects bring your presentation to life. Fontworks provides stunning 2D and 3D images from text. Create lifelike 3D images with astounding speed and response.
.odp Standard - Save your presentations in OpenDocument format, the new international standard for office documents. This XML based format means you're not tied up with using Impress. You can access your presentations from any OpenDocument compliant software.
.ppt & .pptx support - Of course, you are free to import your old Microsoft® PowerPoint presentations, or save your work in PowerPoint format for sending to people who are still using Microsoft® products.
Flash .swf Support Alternatively, use Impress's built-in ability to create Flash versions of your presentations.
Apache OpenOffice Draw

Makes drawing business processes and diagrams a snap!
Draw from a quick sketch to a complex plan, Draw gives you the tools to communicate with graphics and diagrams. With a maximum page size of 300cm by 300cm, Draw is powerful tool for technical or general posters, etc.
'Park' your most commonly used drawing tools around your screen ready for single-click access.
Use Styles and Formatting to put all your graphics styles at your finger tips.
Manipulate objects, rotate in two or three dimensions; the 3D controller allows you to create spheres, rings, cubes, etc. in a quick pinch.
Arrange objects, group, ungroup, regroup, and edit objects while grouped. Sophisticated rendering let you create photorealistic images with your own texture, lighting effects, transparency, perspective, and so on.
Smart connectors make short work of flowcharts, organization charts, network diagrams, etc. Define your own 'glue points' for connectors to 'stick' to.
Dimension lines automatically calculate and display linear dimensions as you draw.
Use the picture Gallery for clipart; you can also create your own art and add it to the Gallery.
Save your graphics in OpenDocument format, the new international standard for office documents. This XML based format means you're not tied into using Draw. You can access your graphics from any OpenDocument compliant software.
Import graphics from all common formats (including BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, and WMF).
Use Draw's free feature to create Flash (.swf) versions of your work.
Apache OpenOffice Base

Easy to use database software to keep things organized!
Base is a fully featured desktop database management system, designed to meet the needs of a broad array of users, from tracking a personal CD collections, to producing a corporate monthly departmental sales reports.
Base offers wizards to help users new to database design (or Base) to create Tables, Queries, Forms and Reports, along with a set of predefined table definitions for tracking Assets, Customers, Sales Orders, Invoices and much more.
When a personal use database is all you need, Base offers the full HSQL relational database engine, configured for single user, with the data stored right in the Base file, as well as native support for dBase flat files.
For power users in the enterprise, Base delivers native support drivers for a variety of multi-user database engines: MySQL, Adabas D, MS Access and PostgreSQL. In addition, support for JDBC and ODBC standard drivers allows you to connect to virtually any database.
Base integrates seamlessly into the rest of the Apache OpenOffice suite applications, for example:
- Supplying address book data for mail merge in Writer using the industry standard LDAP protocol, or common address book formats such as Microsoft® Outlook, Microsoft® Windows and Mozilla.
- Creating linked data ranges in Calc files for data pilot analysis or as the basis for charts.
Apache OpenOffice Math
(Mathematical Equations)

Simple to create equations and formulae for your documents!
Math is Apache OpenOffice's component for mathematical equations. It is most commonly used as an equation editor for text documents, but it can also be used with other types of documents or stand-alone. When used inside Writer, the equation is treated as an object inside the text document. Similarly, one can also insert these into other Apache OpenOffice programs like Calc and Impress.
Using Math, there are three main ways of entering a formula:
- Type markup in the equation editor.
- Right-click on the equation editor and select the symbol from the context menu.
- Select a symbol from the Selection toolbox.
Professional Template Pack
Do you want to enhance the quality of your created documents, or want to create professional and stunning looking preentations? With these professionally designed templates, your wants become a simple task! With more than 120 templates to choose from, to use with Writer, Calc, and Impress, you'll never be stuck for a great design again, leaving you to concentrate fully on producing content.
Template Pack includes:
- Business correspondence templates in six different layouts.
- Budget and project plan templates.
- Event posters in six different layouts.
- Invoices, notes, minutes, press release templates in six different layouts. Presentation templates. A dozen formal and personal letter templates. Business card templates.
Clip Art Gallery Pack
Add images to brighten and enhance your documents with an excellent selection of Clip Art categories to choose from. Categories include animals, arrows, cars, clocks, electricals, fruits, maps, objects, people, photos, signs and smiles :)
1500 Fonts!
A staggering amount of extra fonts to cover every possible occasion and style required.
AutoPlay Menu
Exclusive autoplay menu (PC only), provides you with easy access to installation guide, extras guide, email support and more!
Supported Languages
Apache OpenOffice officially supports over 40 languages! English is the default language used, but once the suite is installed you may then choose to install any of the following languages packs, which are all included on disc for both PC & Mac. Language packs for Linux are also available as a free download.
The Complete Office Suite
Apache OpenOffice is more than a collection of five superb tools.
Unlike some competitors, this suite was not created from a collection of separate pieces of software. From the start, it was designed as one complete office package.
- All the packages have a similar "look and feel" making them very easy to use, with common "learn once use everywhere" tools like the Styles and Formatting. Apache OpenOffice takes its "look and feel" from your computer - if you change your desktop, Apache OpenOffice will change to match.
- The same tools are used consistently across the suite - for example, the tools you use to work with graphics within Writer are also found in Impress and Draw.
- You don"t need to know which application was used to create a particular file - you can "File Open" any Apache OpenOffice file from anywhere and the correct application will be launched.
- All the packages share a common spell-checker, etc.; and if you change an "Option" in one package, it"s changed in them all.
- Information can be transferred easily between all the packages.
- All the components save in OpenDocument format, the new international standard for office documents. This XML based format offers substantial disk savings compared to common competitors' formats. It also means you can access your data from any OpenDocument compliant software.
- All the packages are installed in one single operation, using the installation process you are used to on your computer.
- All the packages are released under the same open licensing model - there are no hidden charges now or in the future. Everything you need in an office productivity suite - get it today!
Supported Platforms

Mac OS X Supported: From 10.2 (Jaguar) to very latest.
Windows Supported: 10, 8, 8.1, 7, Vista, XP. Windows 8 & 8.1 Users - Suite needs to be run as a "desktop application", not a Metro "App". Windows RT, the ARM-based version, intended for tablets is not supported.
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